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Showing posts from February, 2014


Berikut percakapan singkat di sebuah minimarket dengan seorang gadis kasir yang sangat jarang terjadi. I wonder why it was about that topic, may the girl just chatted around like she was to sell more chocolates products. Check this out! A : “Cari coklat ya mba? Tuh yang itu aja “(sambil menunjuk merk coklat tertentu yang dipajang  diskonan, dengan ukuran big size) Saya:”Oh, engga mba,maunya yang d**** aja  (mencari-cari salah satu product cokelat dengan ukuran paling mini) A : “ Buat dikasih ya mba?” Saya:”Ga ada yang mau dikasih kok, buat makan sendiri aja?” (waduh, kebablasan curhat) A :”Saya doain nanti mba ada yang kasih coklat ya” Saya ;” Eh……?! (ini si mbak L, saya uma lagi pengen makan cokelat saja )           “Aminnnn ( buru-buru keluar, ckckckckkck) Source :Google Images 

What I learn as a workerr

I jus got the new thing which I should learn and remember all day as a worker. Don't forget small things! General information and detailed information have its streght & weakness. Also it can't be generalized, it depends on its matters. What, who, when, how, why are the questions we should answer first even we are timed. Being a multitasking person is really a challege, concern with more than one problems  at the same time. Don't get tricky by ourselves to procrastinate the small things. Try to see it in different perspective. I admit that I must force myself hardly to do it because I think there is still big problems to handle. But I have known small things will have its big impact. Do it nicely, Rosa,, you are paid to do it. Respect your bos!

Love at first sight

I met someone, the one who was my "cimon/cinta monyet" in my junior high school day or elementary, I guess. It was love in the first sight because today was our second meeting. He was nice, a really nice guy, both attitude & face. I wonder what he thinks if he knows the fact that I ever wrote his name down my diary, as well as my romance imagination those day whenever I was remember about him. Also I even had given his a Japanese name, Takuya Daichi, taken from one of Japanese romance comics. He seems far away even we were stood beside each other, talked things around and made joke. He is still stanger though he knows me as his friend's sister, but now I do realize that the love at first sight is exist.