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Showing posts from June, 2015

The way to graduate school

Hi bloggers, Now I am on my way back to Yogyakarta from Bandung taking Kahuripan train . I just had my interview & major tests, also the TPA Bappenas source:google images test. #Sigh How was the test? I didn't do it well. My time management was poor at the 2nd type test of TPA. The figurial test was also annoying for me. Hopefully, I can make it to pass the university's requirement. I have to prepare for the worst registering for 2nd chance of TPA,I guess. The Environmental Engineering test and the interview test were quite so so. At least, the interviewers let me answer all questions happily. The worst part was about my carbon-chain grade. #BigGrin I have one conditional letter too from Wolonggong university but the major is Chemistry not the Environmental Science which I had chosen in the first place. Well, I hope things will go right as God had planned for me. However, there was a good event happen this week which it was enlightening my moo...

Tips menghadapi tes TOEFL

Berikut tips dan trick dalam mempersiapkan diri menghadapi tes TOEFL yang bisa saya bagi ke teman-teman. Sumbernya dari pengalaman pribadi dan beberapa teman. Semoga berhasil mencapai standar minimal skor 500-550(untuk ujian masuk pasca sarjana atau tes dosen dan PNS serta beasiswa :-D). 1.Biasakan mengerjakan soal-soal TOEFL 1 bulan sebelum tes. Banyak sekali sumber yang bisa teman-teman download di internet. Longman & Baron TOEFL preparation bisa menjadi sumber yang bagus. 2.Pelajari kembali konsep noun, verb, adverb, adjective dan tenses karena pada soal "structure" banyak sekali soal subject-verb agreement. Jika kita sudah paham konsep, kita akan dengan mudah menandai kata yang salah walaupun kalimatnya panjang. 3.Nah bagaimana cara agar kita bisa mengingat dengan baik konsep yang sudah kita pelajari. Pergunakanlah dalam kalimat sehari-hari dengan menuliskannya kembali. Walaupun untuk TOEFL ITP tidak membutuhkan "writing...