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Showing posts from December, 2016

Thanks Lord for the 2016!

Thanks, God!! I am glad that 2017 is now in few hours ahead.  I am grateful that 2016 has shaped me in to the person I am now. Well, still I have many list to check in 2017. Well, so today was beautiful. I had a really good time when I was attending the closed year mass. The Lord genuine told me that I can choose to be a happy person. My prayers and wishes were answered in no times. Actually He always been there in the bad and good times. I just have to ask for His presence. I am blessed to have such a way to pray with the daily examen and sacred space.  I always believe that He leads me into something worth day by day.  I am thankful that I have always ask for His guide and protection. Happy New Year!

Review Buku : Bisik Bisik

Bisik-bisik karya Reda Gaudiamo.Saya masih bingung kalau menyebut isi buku sebagai kumpulan cerpen. Sangat singkat untuk kategori cerita pendek yang saya tahu dari dulu. Judul buku satu ini membuat saya senyum-senyum sendiri.Pas, singkat dan menohok. Jika membaca satu lalu mengaitkan dalam kehidupan kita sendiri. Demikian seperti bercermin.Isinya berupa kumpulan cerpen yang singkat. Banyak dialog. Sepotong-sepotong hingga habis dibaca sekali duduk. Namun bakal panjang dengan pikiran pembaca sendiri. Mungkin karena saya tidak suka rentetan deskripsi yang panjang, maka saya suka dengan buku ini. Seperti kata om Sapardi Djoko Darmono daam pengantar, cerita penuh dengan makna berbagai pilihan dalam hidup yang tidak pasti. Membaca bisik-bisik seperti melihat diri sendiri pada beberapa judul karena keseringan jadi orang yang tidak pasti dan penuh kemungkinan. Saya suka cerita yang judulnya "Nonton" karena itu seperti orang yang lagi PDKT. You know, someone is testing th...

Steps to graduate

Somehow... Despite of the difficulties I am having so much fun Excited😎😎😎

Menuju 2017

Well, the end of the year is finally days ahead. I am grateful that I am having fun with my life. I am walking hand in hand with God, over the smooth, rough, windy  and bumpy road of mine. I am glad that in this Advent session, I have taken some time to the stillness which I can see clearly, to reflect and to embrace myself more. I do grateful that I see myself as a learner. I did many mistakes. I am a sloppy one, who like to leave things as it is. Not to mention my selfiness and annoyance that may hurt the man, plant and animals and the Earth. I really do hope that all of you guys have really good reflection so we can walk together for the better of our selves in 2017.