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Showing posts from February, 2013

Shadow is you

He said about someone, and I am feeling sad. I guess, he has fallen in love or something with I don't know who. It is like a glass, fragile, it's break slowly. I have begun like him since I knew him by words, his words, just it, it's kind of strange. Yeah, he has his own feeling to the other lucky girl, I guess. I appreciate who he is, a different person, not like the other. We have same in everything(I guess), yay. We had some conversations and I enjoyed it. He was caring and understanding and it helped me through my hard time. Hey you, I really appreciate it:-D Hope you are doin well with things you do. I should back behind the line, but how if this become more strong?:'-( Next, the ITP TOEFL test is good enough for applying scholarship but how could my last ETP better than this one. Yay, tips for next try is really focus on the listening section. I confident with my listening but I let myself being distrub with something else, not really listened, yay I couldn't ...


Jadi gue baru selesai tes, kebetulan agak mumet jadi pakai bahasa yang kurang formal aja. Posisi gue di pojokan angkot yang lagi macet. Prediksi gue sebelumnya kalau listening gue bakalan bagus agak meleset, gue agak kurang fokus, konsentrasi terganggu gara2 ngelingkarin jawaban agak lama. Lagian gue kira listeningnya bakal pakai earphone seperti yg iBT, jadi vokalnya pas di telinga. Kalau section 2, gue pasrah dan berharap penuh pada section 3. Fiuhh gimance kalau iBT? Yah, sejauh ini menurut pengalaman gue dibanding soal TOEFL prediction LBI UI, lebih mudah yg ini:-D Untunglah sedikit terkesima dengan rombongan calon dokter yg ganteng2 aisshh, cerah banget jadinya:-D! Lanjut ketemu 2 expatriat muda, tampan dengan kostum olahraga gitu, tambah sumringah:-D Satu lagi ternyata gue lapar parah padahal 1 jam sebelum tes gue baru makan, so pasti efek mikir. Yeay, mari makan su! Selebihnya berserah penuh & mengucap syukur karena kelancaran tesnya. Terakhir, ini Valentine Day ya? --...


Tadi pagi saya terbangun dengan mimpi yang tetap bernyala untuk mencoba peruntungan di dunia beasiswa. Berkunjung ke bloggers lain yang juga sedang apply & senior yang telah berhasil, membaca setiap pengalaman mereka dan menemukan, ah kita samaaa pernah begitu! Sorak-sorak & then semangat menjadi berlipat ganda. Niat tetap menjadi modal utama meski banyak kekurangan di sana sini, keep positive thinking & gaining more support. Next, tes TOEFL yg paling wajib. Sebelumnya saya cuma punya pengalaman TOEFL Prediction Test di tahun 2007 & 2012 yang hasilnya masih bikin meringis, soalnya tanpa persiapan (alasan). Berikutnya tes EPT dari perusahaan yg bekerja sama dengan LIA, how lucky I am!515, kurang 45 lagi. Beberapa beasiswa mensyaratkan TOEFL iBT/IELTS tapi saya memilih ITP dulu saking mahalnya & takut scorenya tidak bagus, maklum belajarnya sendiri. Jadi pengen banget bikin English Club biar speakingnya lancar. Untunglah ada beasiswa hanya mensyaratkan ITP for t...

Reading Passage

I was searching a channel on radio and then I stopped moving when I heard about discussion in English in medical technology (hearth disease). Acctually, one of the speakers is non native in Indonesia and I am so surprise that they are mention about Mayo Clinic. I am not familiar with the clinic but just yesterday my first time read about a history of Mayo Clinic in my TOEFL reading passage and spent time a lot to reread about it . What a time! You know, I feel so bored if I don't familiar with reading topic in my Toefl preparation text. I can't find the answer quikly and feel sleepy:-O. Sometimes I wonder where on Earth the characters or the stories in the reading passages(public figure stories/history) took place instead I have known just my thaught was strange. It was real. I hope I will be given familiar reading passages in my ITP TOEFL today. I am so nervous, guys! I hope a good score that can pass for scholarship requirement. Hope all of you are doing good readers! ...

Brother Stories

I have missed my family so much these days. Luckily my first bro have called me and we had a nice chit chat. Sometimes, we braggs the old joke, the funny words we never hear again like "nganga leba sekali, wala, e ale". Not only nice chat but also serious problems too like each point of view about life and end with disagrement opinions about that. Yeah, I do respect others so if we againt each other that doesn't really matter so does he. I am so grateful because he have a good job now and hope he will do his best and stay healthy. Next I was phoned by my mother and she said about my younger brother, San. He and his friends showed how well they dancing in public ceremony in town square. I was surprise because I thought that he was a shy person unlike the second bro. I assumed his personality like the first but it was wrong. He danced as well as the second. -------------------------- Rosa D Panda_Writing is healing