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Showing posts from October, 2012


The more u struggle, the more u get. The idea of being struggle is strong encourage to get what we want. Strong characters like patient & motivation are needed. Who has big intention has great patiently. Patient is a rule. When u move without a rule then u in best way to failure. You'll get nothing. As a great example as always, TA.Edison did many experiments before had a Nobel. He learned from each experiment then improved for next experiments. He was really patient, try again & again, so all of us can feel the light when the night come. Next, we go with something deep that move u named motivation. It's really essential. It's like a medicine, why? It helps us when we get down. It keeps the spirit burning. We must remember it, everyday. My friend Gisha, writes in her wall the targets so when she wakes up, she gets the motivation. I think that the part of being struggle is not easy, not hard too. Just follow the rules & at the end, always pray. *Enjoy.I write ...

Bad but better

I did feel sad today. The second interview went bad. I was about to cry but I wasn't. Later, I realized that it was good to come like that then I knew what should I do then. But I am blank now. Maybe later. I want to forget what I did in the place, I feel so embarassed, it hurt my pride,hehehe. Haaaa (teriak-teriak jambak rambut,-pengennya begitu but my soul still strong, I ever had the worse than what I did today. I think that I should try my best for what I am dreaming of. Keep in the track that I have planned before. Don't hesitant! Sometimes I must failed then I'll learn from what I got before. The difficult part of move on to other steps is how to face 'the awful moments' when we got hurt and feel so ... I named it 'ngeek! Such as rejected, broken heart, and others you named it, have you ever felt it? I am sure I am not alone in this cases, hehehe it helpful&cheerful to know. I believe that everyone in the world have ever felt it but each of them respon...


Two days ago,I was dream about someone and it came again last night. The stories are about two friend who regret about their relationships. Complicated, I named it. The thing that I always do if I dream about someone is call or message them. Say hi & ask about their life. But I can't for this person though I'm really want. Again, it's complicated. I just hope one day I'll be brave to do what I want to do for him. May one day. Today going well and will be fun in the end. I just got free ticket for Binyo concert. I was so exited when I knew Daniel cancelled the ticket and asked me if I want to go. Oh MG, I am really happy. Here I am writing this while I am waiting Jeanne. We want to see and feel the choir concert. --------------------------

On the tJ

I am in transJakarta(tJ) now and feel so 'ngeek'. Then I am writing this while listening radio.The tJ to Pluit in the morning full of passengers, as always. Luckyly, my body is small so I got the place, in the corner of the tJ. See the picture, I just sitting in the other side,hehe. I am on the way for an interview in Pantai Indah Kapuk, so I am still very far from my destination:-{, then writing this blog is helpfull. Bloggers, this interview is the reschedule because in the first time I was late, I got an accident on the way to go there. Cousin motorcycle's was trap on the street hole, but I am so grateful that I am OK. I am still shock and regret so I decided to use tJ though this will take long time. I waited at 6.30 in BNN shelter then still in till now(09.00) while my interview time at 09.30.. Ahh, I am in trouble. PS: Yesterday, I worked with my template but it was going wrong. Then u see what you see now. I'll work with it after this.:D Wish me luck! ------...

Light Off_Mati Gaya

What will you doing if your gadgets is no charges, batteries are off? Your laptop,Ipad, smartphone are useless, it is jus setted on the table like books, even the books more valuable in that condition, what should you do?:-{ The villagers in isolated area will not have feeling awkward but how about people who live in a city, who nowadays have been depended on the electricity. I am sure that people can't live without it. Somedays ago there was problem of electricity in my cousin house, it got one day to fixed that I was feel so 'ngeek':< what you called ' mati gaya'. My laptop was off even my hp too. I was reading again Kompas that I bought somedays ago,my old book Awareness, then learned TOEFL book but I wasn't endure it too long. Besides I couldn't take a bath so it was very hot. Huaah, the feeling was so ...'u name it'. Electricity is very important thing in our life. I managed myself to feeling that's OK, just wait a moment, they ...

Bermain dengan yang tidak aman

Seringkali kita berada dalam posisi tidak aman, karena kita memilih untuk berada di posisi tersebut. Tentunya berada dalam posisi ini membuat banyak orang bertanya-tanya. Why u choose that way? U know well it become easier if u choose the certain way,isn't it?Less risks & bright position will come to guide u, how come u throw it? Jiah, sudah saya coba untuk mengubur niat saya dalam-dalam selama beberapa bulan. Namun tetap saja sesekali niat yang tidak pasti itu datang melanda, membuat saya penasaran setengah mati. Walau banyak pendapat ini, itu tentang pilihan yang saya ambil dan risiko yang akan saya terima nantinya, finally I have made my decision 2 continue no matter what the risks I'll face it. Maka, mari terus berlari saja, bermain-main dengan yang tidak aman tetapi hati aman, tidak mati penasaran! -------------------------- Rosa D Panda


Selasa,2-10- 2012 Demo pekerja yang tergabung dalam Federasi Serikat Pekerja Metal Indonesia (FSPMI) di kawasan industri Menara Permai,Cileungsi, Bogor pukul 07.00- WIB. FSPMI kembali menuntut upah yang layak, penghapusan outsourching, dan adanya jaminan sosial terhadap para pekerja. Menurut salah satu anggota federasi, yang bla bla bla(Sayang sekali, saya tidak berkesempatan untuk mewawancarai, salah satu pekerja maunya sih ada:D) Saya waktu terjebak konvoi motor yang dilakukan oleh pendemo. Menarik sih. Saya pribadi mendukung penghapusan outsourching ini karena memang tidak memihak pada pekerja. Selain itu isu mengenai jaminan sosial memang benar diperjuangkan. Ya ampun saya tidak bisa membayangkan berapa banyak zat berbahaya yang terpapar dalam tubuh pekerja metal ini, setiap menit setiap harinya. Saya saja di lab waktu kuliah pulangnya harus minum susu dan istirahat yang banyak. Apalagi ratusan pekerja di kawasan pabrik metal yang so pasti banyak zat yang lebih bahaya. ------...

Cerita di Kereta

Naik kereta di hari Sabtu Minggu itu menyenangkan, KRL ekonomi sekalipun. Tidak penuh sesak seperti biasanya. Resiko kehilangan hp atau dompet juga kecil sekali. Selain itu ada satu hal yang menarik, wajah2 penumpangnya sangat bahagia. Kalau biasanya penumpang kereta kelihatan lebih formal dengan pakaian kerja. Ini berbeda, tampak santai dengan busana casual. Wajah2 bahagia nampak capek duduk di antara keluarganya, teman2ny/pasangan masing2. Bahkan ada yang seenaknya mengobrol & tertawa keras2 seperti di angkutan pribadi, agak bete jg sih dengarnya:D Meski begitu tetap menarik karena berbeda sekali dengan hari2 biasa, menjumpai orang2 dengan wajah penat akibat aktifitas & segala permasalahan kantor. Btw, today still amazing coz it's Sunday and I am feeling that God not very far for me.(always,but today I am aware). This feeling is the beginning of my journey here,I must keep it everyday. -------------------------- Rosa D Panda