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Showing posts from December, 2015

Mau mau di 2016

2015 su mo berakhir su . Sa pu mau-mau banyak sekali la . Hanya saja semua belum tercapai. Sebagian ada sudah dan trims banyak buat Tuhan yang su kasih jalan. Bapa, mama dong yang siang malam doa terus kasih sa dengan sa pu kakak ade dong . Memang betul kalo orang bilang, kita pu bapa mama pu doa tu yang bawa kita ke mana-mana. Bajalan kiri kanan.  Kejadian-kejadian di 2015 ini banyak, ada banyak rasa, banyak akal ju . Mulai start dari Jakarta trus ke Jogja, trus pulang rumah satu minggu sa deng sekarang tinggal sementara jadi warga Bandung. Sa mo cepat pulang sudah, mo jadi warga Nagekeo, mo menikah, mo  bangun keluarga #eh. Calon ti tau di mana, su omong keluarga. Biar sudah, hanya Tuhan yang tau . Tuhan belum kasih ketemu, hahaha. Iya, masih menulis diary ;D Sa pu resolusi tahun ini, mo jadi lebih bahagia. Banyak mati aha momentnya sa punya ini tahun. E banyak mati yang sa su tahu dari dulu tapi sa baru mengerti tu sekarang-sekarang. Tau dan m...

New Year's gift

It was a long day for me. I felt exhausted so before I slept last night, I gave my deep sigh. I  also felt my strength released over my body and I was surrounded by my weakness. I felt low and finally let all my worry go while I slept. Well, it is not really big issue though, just something come up in my mind, something like what if, how can, etc. The good news now is that I am happy to tell you how happy I am now. After releasing a deep sigh last night, I forgot everything and fallen into a deep sleep quickly. Guess what? I had a dream about my  cool grandfather. I want to write that because the feeling was like he is visiting me and comforting me. Also, I am felling supported by the fact that he came by wearing  his blue western-style shirt and Nagekeo"s sarong plus a laptop bag in the back. That was cool. He looked so fresh like a young man as wise as before. I don't know what we  were  talking about  but as we sat together in...

Floating Market versi Lembang

Beberapa hari lalu, saya dan teman-teman berkunjung ke Floating Market nya Bandung. Berbeda dari tempat wisata  yang kami kunjungi, Floating Market benar-benar tempat wisata yang bersih, rapi, aman dan nyaman. Mengapa demikian? Soalnya saya menemui taman-taman mini yang cantik juga kerja yang baik dari seluruh staf FM yang langsung  tanggap bersih-bersih setelah ada yang meninggalkan sampah. Sebenarnya sayang juga, bukan karena kesadaran pengunjung tapi karena pekerjanya yang siap sedia.  Selain itu, di FM, kamu tidak menemui penjual-penjual yang menjajakan dagangannya di sembarang tempat, atau memaksa kamu buat beli dagangan atau memanggil-manggil menjajakan makanannya. Di FM, semua terkondisikan, sehingga pembeli dan penjual nyaman. Oh ya, konsep FM ini jangan kamu bayangkan, kalau kamu ikut bertransaksi di atas perahu. Kamu di pinggir saja, sedangkan penjaja makanan menjajakan makanan di atas perahu (bukan perahu sih)  di pinggir danau buatan. Makanan yang...

Good Holiday

I didn't prepare my holiday at the beginning. My friend asked me and my answer was Jakarta and Bogor while honestly it is not my favorite place. I may go there just one day or two to get rid my boredom. Well, sorry for those who longing for long holiday, I have almost 20 days of day off from school and I have no itinerary. Travelling generally means to me if I am not just travel around, but at least I participate in something like conference, relatives wedding or seminars. Last night I searched about the possibility of getting summer school scholarship anticipating my next summer holiday. I checked my previous and found one email from my Malaysian friend about one international training in peace in Pati Semarang. I checked the dates, and the good news is I am available on that day.At first, I was disappoint because the registration was closed since November. However I tried to email them and got the good news today. I can participate on the training in 4-9 January 2016.  I have...

Book Review: How to stop Worrying and Start Living

I would like to start this review by mentioning why I chose this book instead  of other fun materials. Let me guess that you may think of how stressed I am to read this kind of book. Even myself had thought that it must be really depressed person to have interest in it. Well, the reason behind it that it was for the English learning purpose. I committed to buy one of English book and at the time there it was. Well, let me review it for you. Actually this is  an old books and it is quite popular,  wrote with love and passion by the famous Dale Carnegie .  As it well written in the title, the writer wants to give advice to the reader about how to overcome the worry that you may face in your real life. If you are a businessman or who just want to start with it, this is a good book.   Honestly to me, this book is like well written diary. Every chapter of this book begins with such  a real story that you can easily imagine it. Before explaining ...

Merry Christmas

Selamat Natal 2015 :D from Bandung with love  Hari raya Natal bertepatan dengan Maulid Nabi. Kebetulan yang menandakan bahwa kerukunan beragama di Indonesia semakin baik. Selamat merayakan Maulid Nabi bagi yang merayakan  Amin