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Tips for Improving Your English

Hello folks, 

I hope this time that I am able to reach students audience who are eager to continue their study, attend free summer schools in other countries or simply those who want to be able to speak English for working. 

Well, let me say that I am just a person who love to improve my skill. I once could not understand English at all.Just some basic knowledge in Senior High School. Just love to pick up a new vocabulary and use it so I can remember it. This writing is a genuine reminder that the skill will be present for those who seek. The important is setting goals and knowing how to get there. I am a hometown girl, born and raised in small town of Bajawa, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara attended a local average high school. Our area has no English courses institution (during my school days)- This information is to energizes you, to motivate you that we all can dream, can make it happen. I can so you too.

Firs of all is setting your goals. Whether you want to continue your study or simply to put it in your CV. By this goals as example,  you know that you have to pass certain TOEFL score. 

It is said that aim step by step. You can reach a top of mountain (speaking and writing very well) but maybe reach for a certain score first.  

Graduating from high school, I entered uni my TOEFL score was around 300 (2007). At that time I didnt event know it is good or bad and I didnt care. When it was time to graduate, it was required to test again and mine was around 400(2011). During that time, 2007-2012 of course I attended English Uni course, well the goal is just to pass the course and at least can read English literature while attending uni. At least to get a B and so all good. Somehow. While there are some student who have awared the important of TOEFL score in getting abroad scholarship or attend summer scholarship. I recommend you to look for opportunities. If you think you are still far away from that at least you know TOEFL score it's quite important.

Real life, adult life came. You don't have time to play, get lazy or ask your parents. There is yourself to be fed, bills to be paid. I somehow was forced to find a way to improve my CV. Why? I don't have an outstanding GPA (and no, its not the only requirement nowadays), I don't want to work in Chemical industry, but I love to learn new things and don't limit myself for opportunities. My short goals was I wanted to work in INGOs at the time then continue study so I can back home. I don't see myself working longer time in Jakarta. Since I know my goals I then try to improve my TOEFL score. 

How? Consulting and borrowing my friends, other fellow student who passionate in learnings English materials and apps. At the time, they have tried  official TOEFL test/IELTS and they had planned to go for master degree abroad.

 Lucky me, that I have a really good friend that love to teach, share and believe and motivate fellow friends that they can if they want. He said that once someone graduate, it is easy for them to get above 500 score. They are willing to share their tips and how they learn so if it suits your learning style you can copy them or adapt in your convenience. 2. Attend TOEFL prediction test ( its cheaper then the official one/ITP 

Secondly, use all the resources you have. Nowadays, we can have all the apps for learning in our mobile phone. Use your time wisely. Realizing that I have difficulties in understanding and catching English words in listening section, I then listened do the sound of TOEFL listening section for months, really for months every night even I don't understand. I become familiar with the question, how it sounds and it really helps me facing my TOEFL test. 

After all, the last tip that I can share is that being yourself, being brave to  practice, learn, to make mistakes. I wrote simple daily life story in English in this blog in my early days focusing. I join an English club. I was in Jakarta at the time and joined Brithzone in Senayan while I was working in West Jakarta. Well, if you know how the hectic during weekend in transJak Harmony Kalideres but I managed because I have a clear goal.

Once you know your objectives, set your goal, you can use your resources well and don't be shy to practive.  My friend ever say to me, no don't posts in English, its like you brag about yourself.  I mean do like I care? All I do is learning. From that, I can get job easily, I can feed myself and my family and I can catch my dream. Follow your gut, always!


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