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Showing posts from August, 2013

Di titik nol

Sama seperti bintang dengan kerlipnya sekejab sekejab Hampir terbenam di langit kelam kecoklatan tanpa awan Beda dengan langit yang kulihat dulu Aku ada di titik nol Tapi tidak sedang diam Aku mencari, mendengar setiap suara Yang riuh meneriaki Aku ini sedang apa? Bulan pun tak menyapa. Kelam Aku ingin ke utara sambil menggenggam kompasku Remuk termakan usia juga karena aku lalai Aku merasainya lagi dalam genggamanku, Aku ingin ke utara, Tuhan dan kemudian ada suara lain, Bagus, ya bagus, kamu menuju selatan Aku di titik nol, melongo. Aku menatap langit, bintang itu masih kelap kelip, satu satu. Masih 26 Agustus 2013 Bambu Kuning 4

Virginity test issue

Is that very important for young people when they want to go to education institution? Honestly, I think this is a really stupid test. Hell yeah though, I still not find any clear reasons for the test but if there is a logical reason, I doubt that I will receive it sincerely. Just stupid. Ok, I will try to give a reason, it may to make student doesn't try to have sex before married. Then they can freely accepted with virginity status on their Student Identity Cards. Of course, that is the reason but it just odd. There is why education is not just education foundations, teachers, schools and government issue but of course society must responsible for that too especially family. As long as family can strongly manage their children who are in students age both boys and girls, there is much better than virginity test issue. I must say again, it is really odd. I am just speechless and feel sad, it issued by local government, what is hap...


Dalam rangka memperingati HUT RI #68, saya coba lebih baik lagi mendalami negeri. Sejarah itu menarik ditelusuri, mengambil makna dan memperdalam visi & misi seorang anak bangsa, yang terlahir di tanah kaya, Indonesia. Sejarah bukan hal membosankan yang tertinggal dalam lembar-lembar buku yang menguning dan berdebu. Sejarah itu pembelajaran dan mereka yang mempelajarinya menimbun kebijakan sebanyak mereka mempraktikannya. Saya terinspirasi dari rekan-rekan senior di Komjak yang selalu mdmbagi kisah dulu yang mengandung banyak nilai. Memang ini PR untuk saya, untuk lebih menambah koleksi bacaan saya dengan sejarah atau kisah perjuangan masa lampau, di mana dalam keterkukungannya akan banyak ide-ide kreatif bermunculan. Sebagai warga negara yang baik,  saya perlu terus menjaga mimpi saya untuk ikut menjadikan Indonesia yang lebih baik. Ada banyak cara, dengan lebih baik di tempat umum, membayar pajak, menjaga mimpi dan terus berusaha meraih mimpi. Selamat hari merdeka, Indone...


After read many stories about the successful applicants who wrote their experiences, I am feeling down but excited too. Oh My, how can I? Damn! I am the most confident & brave person who apply the scholarship abroad? My fear comes out because they are really have good score academically & also their English are great.  Some of them were really struggled to achieve their dreams, tried more than five times to get a scholarship while I was countless. I was busy doing nothing, sought my reasons why I didn't apply, satisfy with the answer that my academic record is not good enough to achieve scholarship. Try it first, girls. Not just try, but try your best.   Dudidudadadudidudada   So far, I failed my first try coz I didn't submit my iBT Toefl test at the specific time the scholarship had given, so it failed automatically. Then the second was the heart terror, hahahaha. It was hard to explain what I did at the time, I was so stup...


It was nice Sunday. When you were planning something else besides  church then going church first. Noted! Dear Mary, it was a nice day to be reminded of your life story, beautiful characters & attitudes. Please keep me staying near God's hand. Next story is, after our last meeting in Erlyn's house, we were meeting again as we planned before but the place had changed to another place where we thought there wouldn't be so crowded. Yeah, it was. We spent half of day in UI lake where we blacklisted if we still students hahaha. After had lunch that we bought at the near "warteg", we felt sleepy a bit because the silence was perfect but we ended up played card. Here is some photos we took and my favorite one is zombie style/oppa D**** style. I am grateful for the simple trip. I hope my father and 2nd brother will arrive safely on their trip from Ende to Kupang by ship. Now Wig is in his days preparing for college days. I hope he will do best for everything &...

Happy Lebaran day!

Happy Lebaran day! I visited Erlyn's family on the 1st Lebaran day with friends. We had a good day! I was so happy :-D I want to say, happy lebaran day to all of families & friends, hope everyone is feeling happy  & gratefull after the fasting month :-D #8

Tulisan menjelang pagi

Saya bisa! Seruan malam hari menjelang pagi yang berkecamuk sejak beberapa malam lalu. Oh Tuhan, saya sedang dengan keinginan membuncah akibat mood booter di post sebelumnya dan satu lagi buku Haram Keliling Dunia karangan mba Nur Febriani Wardi, yang mengalir lancar membuat saya ingin menghabiskannya dalam semalam :-o She just like has spoken to me directly.  Eits, kemudian saya sadar, liburan saya masih panjang, simpan untuk hari berikutnya. Wait me till the next day, ya! Saya takut. Takut sama saya sendiri, yang suka "hangat-hangat tai ayam" kata seorang teman. Oke, saya akan bawa oven, untuk selalu menjadi "tai ayam" yang selalu hangat dan jangan sampai gosong. Ayo nak iBT test planning segera. Mantapkan writingmu nak, karena biasanya tidak terstruktur, apalagi gaya tulisan saya yang lebih suka membuat orang berpikir. Sudah jelas mau bilang A tapi tetap merasa tidak seru kalau tidak berbelok ke B atau C. They won't make you play with poem! Salam "t...

A succes story of life

I woke up today and heard a good news. Two of my friends in college who were struggled for abroad scholarship have gotten what they have wanted for years. That was really a mood booster thru this day. They are really inspiring, waiting patiently & succes keeping the dream alive. I should be like that then. Another good news comes from someone, a friend & a nice blogger too whose I have shared dreams with, she makes her passion to be real & that has brought her to other rewards, a better education plans. I am just so happy to hear that. Such a bless! Congratulation everyone for your great achievements, this really makes my day! #6

Menuju Spiritualitas

Saya sejujurnya bukan seseorang yang terbuka untuk berbicara mengenai iman dan spiritualitas. Namun saya sedang sangat tertariknya untuk membahas masalah yang sangat privasi ini. Betul, saya menganggapnya sangat privasi  karena ke-Allah-an itu sendiri begitu dalam, begitu personalnya. Tulisan ini selayaknya sebuah refleksi untuk menjadikan saya lebih dalam memahami kespritualitasan saya dan sama sekali bukan kereligiusan saya. Mencerna lebih mendalam tentang hubungan saya, karena akhir-akhir ini saya pikir keduniaan saya memerangkap begitu dalam. Injil minggu ini bersama khotbah yang kali ini panjang tapi tak membosankan, menyentil saya, menegur dan mengingatkan saya. Lebih kepada siapa saya dan keduniaan saya yang tidak dibawa mati. Saatnya lebih berempati, lebih mengerti dan lebih menjadi bijak. Bersiap menjadi wanita baik bagi siapa pun. Mengubah kebiasaan buruk menjadi lebih baik. Thanks God, for kindly remind me of things, I should do. Walk with me in every way. #5, silence...

Salam & Semangat Pagii

Hey kamu, selamat pagi! Lebih indah mengucapkan selamat pagi padamu, karena kita tahu hari dimulai dari pagi dan rasa syukur tak ubahnya adalah doa yang indah karena kita diberi hari yang baru. Kamu pasti baik-baik saja, jika kamu berpikir begitu, apapun keadaanmu. Kamu tahu bahwa kebahagiaan tidak diukur dari seberapa besar apa yang kamu dapat dari semua hal yang kamu inginkan, tetapi dari bagaimana kamu melihat segala sesuatu dengan positif. Bukan hal yang mudah, semudah apa yang saya tuliskan di sini, tetapi itulah cara terbaik untuk merasa lebih baik, kawan. Sisi kreatif dan spontanitas kita pun dilatih. Yah, bukan maksud saya agar kita lalu menerima apapun dalam keadaan seadanya, tetapi bagaimana kita mengubahnya menjadi lebih baik. Menciptakan hal baru, melakukan hal-hal yang tidak biasa dilakukan. Yah, karena kita harus menemukan cara masing-masing yang "kita banget" meski terlihat aneh but hey guys, break the rules  & follow your heart! Saya ingin yang terbaik...

Full of moon

Dear man out there, a moon here is full, full of blessed things around full of happiness full of joys You may say, I am a liar Truly liar who can't honestly face the stupid thing you named real world Dear man out there, a moon here is full, Full of light in our dark site Full of hopes & prayers Also dreamers You may say, again I am stupid liar, big mouth or the worst you can named I also see the half moon too like which one you see sometimes I just see the dark But I know the full moon will come again Just wait patiently You may say, whatever you named I just want you know, we can change our perspectives Dear man out there, a moon here is full Full of excitements Coz the gift of our life has given by who we call God We are made thru his great great work Full of moon #3

Babies Name

My best friend just asked me to give an idea about her children name. Owww, I was so impressed but still not have any idea about the name. "hemmm, how about George? Yeahh, like princess William's son" "Yey, nope, I don't want something mainstream. I don't like it." " So, do you have any on your mind?" "I am still working on it. I am looking to find a good meaning, hemmm,it's still on puzzle." "Yay, give me the meaning , I'll help you find good name then."   Hey, but I think it must be both of you working with that. It'll be really cute for couple to find their children names. Hope you'll find good names then. If there will be a girl, named after me, hehehehe.   Yayyy, I just realize that just yesterday we were talking about homework or comics or magazines in our teen days and now we are thinking about baby's  name. It's really not a joke. She is in her ...

Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai, a 16 years old girl comes with the great story in her early age. I am just find her life story and it touches my heart deeply. Oh MG, she has done right thing to speak up about girls education in Swat region, Pakistan but had attacked. Fortunately, now she is getting better and studying in United Kingdom. Her diary first published on BBC Urdu with pen name Gul Makai  then has spread around the world. Her stories are just like an ordinary diary of teen girl but it was really well written especially about  girl's ban education in her area by Taleban. Best wishes to you, Malala Yousafzai, glad to know you this morning. Your spirit inspires me to be more young, brave & active. #2

Welcome August

Heyyyy, this absolutely my month! Yeay, the August comes, here is the first day.  I was grateful for Chem07 gathering moment in the best place in Depok. Well, surrounded by people who inspire you a lot in everything make the moment was so refresh, right? Life after graduation day was so real; it wasn't same with in college. Everyone faces & battles with each problem. Many may still idealism for what they want for life, many may not. Reunion brings some ideas & inspirations back again. Life is not such working then builds a family, work and that's all. Learn from meeting  & greeting makes me feel so refresh. As a human, we used to be reminded by people around, by their experiences, thoughts, characters, & attitudes. When we have more open mind that is easy to make our life better. We can learn from other experiences and share ours too. Each people we meet along the way in our life, will teach us what us want for life, if we allow them do that. Also, we can be a...